Tuesday, March 2, 2010

You are special..!

A poor life this if, full of care,
we have no time to stand and stare.”

These ending lines from the poem leisure from William Henry Davies describe what most of us feel today. In this hush and bush of life we all get so stressed up that somewhere we lose the joy of life. We become people centric, material centric and now – ‘techno-centric” if it’s the right word to say, but we forgot the art to be “soul-centric”. I have heard people complaining about there loneliness all the time .the reason being we expect the love joy and care to flow from others-our friends , family and even unknowns. But an important question to ask is - do we make our self feel special? Do we give the love and respect to our own soul?

All it takes to break the monotony of life and get the joy of life again is a MOMENT. A moment that we steal from the game life plays.

There are 10 cute things you can do to steal that moment for yourself.

1) Call your old friends and family suddenly out of expectation and just say – I love you and you mean to me” (it works wonders….try it …!)

2) Buy a cup of hot brownie for yourself and eat alone killing all your temptations

3) Even if you are a bad cook just try your hand out in the kitchen and treat your family

4) Write your thoughts randomly on the piece of paper

5) Close the door of your room and dance like nobody is watching you

6) Listen to a sweet song and force your friends to hear it and give a review

7) Just give that sweet smile to everybody you meet on your way today and feel the change in yourself

8) Buy yourself fresh flowers and adore them all day

9) Open your childhood memory albums and spend some minutes looking how sweet you looked.

10) Make it a point to do some act of kindness and helpfulness to someone who needs it a most (more than him, you will get the contentment)

No matter what age you are what religion you follow choose anyone of these 10 things and feel the difference the whole day. Just don’t do something, even feel good about it. Count your blessings…everyday...Every moment!


  1. hey ruchi that's very rightly said by you,in today's techno-centric world each and every person goes through stress and is not able to give time to family members. And i do believe that if a person is happy with himself than he find the world around him happy and enjoys each and every moment.

  2. Fantastic Ruchi!!!!
    Good work yaar. i knew the hidden talent in you will come out like this one day ;)

  3. hey ruchi every single word u mentioned is so true..in our busy lives we forget to be ourselves n love our own selves,,,way to go gal..luv ya loadddzz..nd u kno it!

  4. First of all congrats for your first blog.
    Very nice,It's heart-touching and emotional blog.
    Keep it up..!

  5. nice post...
    very precise and well articulated....
    simple yet powerful tips given, I am surely going to use it as and when required to relieve stress and kill loneliness...

  6. they thanks everybody for appreciating the tips and work...hopw u will find my coming blogs also worth a read.

  7. Firstly I would like to welcome you to this blogging world. It is a very fascinating experience which I have been going through past 3 months (www.adityakumar123.blogspot.com)
    About your update I would just like to tell you there are many things I do among these top 10 things which you suggested to do and my personal fav is dancing :) Will be looking forward for more of such updates.

  8. Dear Ruchi,
    Welcome to the world of blogging!Awesome blog post.Many of such things even i do,thanks for sharing the methods to actually "live the life".
    Yes, we are missing the real joy of living,in order to excel, in order to prove ourselves we are losing our own selves.
    Most of us are so busy in our lives that we don't have time to live the moments.Its just the little things that gives us joy and not badi badi things.

    Good initiative,expecting more from you!
    Keep blogging
    Neha Fatehchandani
